Month: May 2009

21 Day Cleanse – Starts June 21, 2009

This is going to be huge. Together with Soul Coach Madeleine Marentette, founder of Grail Springs, Wellness Coach Barb Shaw of Grail Springs, and Chef Moira Nordholt the "Feel Good Guru", I'll be participating in and helping lead a 21 day full body, mind, life and...

General Blog, Personal

Bluey the Blue Green Frog

Bluey is the blue coloured green frog (Rana clamitans) that lives in the pond beside our deck. He is 2-3 years old. He is more skittish than the rest of the frogs, so it is hard to get a good pic of him, but every once in a while he will stay still for a...

Articles, General Blog, Spirituality

Mother Universe

Everyone seems to be OK with the concept of "Mother Nature". A benevolent force/source that organizes and creates towards the highest good of the natural system(s). We may not understand all of how Mother Nature works, but we intuitively know that She has her ways...

Month: May 2009

21 Day Cleanse – Starts June 21, 2009

This is going to be huge. Together with Soul Coach Madeleine Marentette, founder of Grail Springs, Wellness Coach Barb Shaw of Grail Springs, and Chef Moira Nordholt the "Feel Good Guru", I'll be participating in and helping lead a 21 day full body, mind, life and...

General Blog, Personal

Bluey the Blue Green Frog

Bluey is the blue coloured green frog (Rana clamitans) that lives in the pond beside our deck. He is 2-3 years old. He is more skittish than the rest of the frogs, so it is hard to get a good pic of him, but every once in a while he will stay still for a...

Articles, General Blog, Spirituality

Mother Universe

Everyone seems to be OK with the concept of "Mother Nature". A benevolent force/source that organizes and creates towards the highest good of the natural system(s). We may not understand all of how Mother Nature works, but we intuitively know that She has her ways...

Month: May 2009

21 Day Cleanse – Starts June 21, 2009

This is going to be huge. Together with Soul Coach Madeleine Marentette, founder of Grail Springs, Wellness Coach Barb Shaw of Grail Springs, and Chef Moira Nordholt the "Feel Good Guru", I'll be participating in and helping lead a 21 day full body, mind, life and...

General Blog, Personal

Bluey the Blue Green Frog

Bluey is the blue coloured green frog (Rana clamitans) that lives in the pond beside our deck. He is 2-3 years old. He is more skittish than the rest of the frogs, so it is hard to get a good pic of him, but every once in a while he will stay still for a...

Articles, General Blog, Spirituality

Mother Universe

Everyone seems to be OK with the concept of "Mother Nature". A benevolent force/source that organizes and creates towards the highest good of the natural system(s). We may not understand all of how Mother Nature works, but we intuitively know that She has her ways...