Being a Coach

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Being a Coach
Being a Coach, General Blog, Meta, Personal

Michele 2.0

It is so strange to try and blog sometimes (a lot of the time) because everything that is going on is so over-the-top mind-blowing.  Then, when I try to imagine putting things into words, it never comes close to capturing the magnitude/significance of...

Being a Coach, General Blog

At the Grail

I just arrived at the Grail, and it is even more beautiful than ever, if that is possible. Looks like we are going to have a great group tonight.  This was a week for me for reminding myself of how painful it is to try and control and have specific...

Being a Coach
Being a Coach, General Blog, Meta, Personal

Michele 2.0

It is so strange to try and blog sometimes (a lot of the time) because everything that is going on is so over-the-top mind-blowing.  Then, when I try to imagine putting things into words, it never comes close to capturing the magnitude/significance of...

Being a Coach, General Blog

At the Grail

I just arrived at the Grail, and it is even more beautiful than ever, if that is possible. Looks like we are going to have a great group tonight.  This was a week for me for reminding myself of how painful it is to try and control and have specific...