Coaching – There Really Is Nothing Like It (But There is Something Like It)

I just got off a call with one of my most brilliant clients.  Brilliant because he is brilliant by any measure, but also brilliant because of the light and goodness shining forth from him and into the world, due to his rapid dissolution of illusions of all kinds.

It is a wonderful feeling to see the greatness in a person coming forth, and knowing, incredibly, that you played a part in that.  It can make the room spin when you realize how much good this person will be creating in their world (our world) due to their new way of being.  Not to mention the simple yet profound success of your client being happy, fulfilled and joyful.

Part of what my client is mastering, anyone can learn…It is about how any of us can be a coach to others.  It requires us to let go of all the junk that gets in the way of us being our higher, best selves.  By the way, this does not need to be hard, our highest, best self is our default state (it’s the real us!).  When we engage life from our greatness, not only do we get great results in our own lives, we coach others, simply by being around them.  I call that natural coaching.


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