Example Coaching Conversation

I found this special episode of Euphoria – Rue to be very interesting in that it displayed something very similar to an excellent coaching conversation.

In the show, Rue is in a diner with her sponsor, Ali, and she is fessing up to having used.

This qualifies as a coaching conversation because it is:

  • Focused on Rue
  • Very honest and present
  • Unconditionally loving even though it is very direct
  • Provocative in the questioning
  • Ali (coach) is very balanced and non-judgmental while passionate
  • Penetrating
  • Revealing
  • Creating shifts

I will caution that I think this episode does miss the mark in terms of the explanation offered for Rue’s addiction (fundamental brain flaw) instead of addressing the more complex issue revealed earlier of her feeling suicidal without the drugs (self-medicating/core wounding/trauma), but that is not the point of my post here. Here I just wanted to give the opportunity to enjoy some great acting and scripting of a conscious, unconditional loving and powerful coaching type conversation! Here is a snippet!

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