Fear is Power…

Fear.  The kind I deal with, and most of my clients deal with, is fear of taking action, fear of the unknown, fear of being ourselves.  When fear gets in the way for us, we really are giving into the fear of fear.  And, really, fear of ridiculous fears!

Now, being afraid of a lion about to eat you, that I can understand.  Being afraid of what people might think of you…Talk about fear of something nebulous and intangible!  We really *are* still scared of the boogie man!  No wonder our bodies and hormones are confused.  No wonder our lives are confused.

But, wait a sec.  Going back to the lion.  I imagine that if I were face to face with a hungry lion, I would experience the greatest fear of my life.  Assuming for a moment that fear is there for a good reason, the reason I come up with is that the fear is meant to help me OVERCOME the challenge I am facing.  That thing that I am used to calling fear, is really just the energy, the POWER, my whole self is delivering me to handle the situation at hand.

I’ve been playing with this.  Thanks to some wonderful teachers in my life, I am learning to fully acknowledge, embrace and express my fears.  You know what happens when I do?  The "fear" veil drops away, and I am left with pure excited, joyful, powerful energy.  Energy that feels much more like courage.  Speaking and acting from courage is a wonderful experience that can TRANSFORM a life.

Here’s the next step I am going to play with.  What if, in each of my moments, I ask myself…What am I most afraid of doing or saying at this moment?  I suspect that my answers to that question will lead me to discovering the most powerful potential actions ready to be activated by courage.  I will embrace my fear, feel my courage, and take the actions associated with this power.  I’ll let you know what my experiments reveal!

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