Michele 2.0

It is so strange to try and blog sometimes (a lot of the time) because everything that is going on is so over-the-top mind-blowing.  Then, when I try to imagine putting things into words, it never comes close to capturing the magnitude/significance of things.  And, well, my self-conscious ego fears that people are just going to find things weird.  They are kind of weird!  But, I’m giving up caring what other people think…That just keeps me small.  I’m facing challenges great enough that I can’t afford to be small anymore.

OK, but one thing is clear.  In the last year or so, especially the last 6 months, I have evolved enough to be considered, if not a totally new person, let’s say Michele 2.0.  [And yes, I am more interactive now and my customers have more of a hand in evolving/creating me.]

One of the main factors in the speed of my transformation is the speed of the transformation of my clients.  Big things are happening.  Peoples’ mindsets are changing.  Peoples’ day-to-day, moment-to-moment ways of being are changing.  Very exciting external events are happening.  People are seeing the connections.  My clients’ lives are transforming at remarkable rates.

In order to keep being a great coach to these amazing people, there is no other way but that I must grow, and I am.  I am learning coaching to whole new depths in the School of Coaching Mastery.  I have new mentors in my life, that are expanding my growth in mindfulness, perceptions, and feelings.  As my ego continues to play less of a role in my consciousness and my life, I can be more and more present for my clients.

Sometimes I find myself such a different person, I wonder if I can still coach.  Yet, when it comes to my calls, I realize that the part of me that coaches is the same part of me that I find eternal.   The more external parts of myself are gaining new ways of being, and the eternal me that is the core of coaching, is just finding further and greater expression. 

I look forward to challenging myself and my clients by bringing Michele 2.0 to the coaching table.


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