Michele 3.0

by | Feb 18, 2016 |

So, I’m waiting to talk to my new coach, whom I know is amazingly talented and just a great person.

I’ve completed some short but profound initial intake questionnaires. I was able to access and share some good thoughts but I certainly held back a lot.

One subject that is an unspoken theme in that intake questionnaire, and a fully acknowledged learning domain in my life, is intimacy. And, I’m talking about close relationships here, not necessarily sex (you know who, I’m talking to you! 😉

Some people, I have experienced extremely profound connections with, and others, I find it a real challenge to connect with.

So, as I’m in my office, tidying up a bit, I notice that even in my office I keep the physical objects most reflective of my personality hidden from view from the Skype camera. I absolutely keep myself small and closed in many aspects of my work creative life.

Long way up to my realization: My challenge is to open myself up more the world, on an individual and public level. Everything that I would love to happen will be created with focus on that one goal. It really means enhancing the love and heart connection. That feels amazing, and leads to the full expression of selves. Expression always moves things towards the highest good.

So, get ready for another level. 🙂

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