Natural Motivation-Action

Believe it or not, it is possible to live life as follows:

– You know what to do in any given moment

– You want to do it

– The thing you WANT to do IS the thing best for you and the world at large

– You don’t procrastinate

– You don’t suffer mentally and emotionally around tasks

Sound attractive? Sound like you could save some time?Sound like you could make better use of your energy?

I’ve got a surprise for you. We are already built like this! This is our natural state of being, our natural system, let’s call it the Motivation-Action System. We are naturally built such that we know what to do, we are motivated to do it, and we do it.

The problem comes in when we start to abuse the Motivation-Action System. Here are some examples of how the system gets messed-up:

– You want to play outside, using your body and exploring your environment, but you are forced to go a school and sit still with your hands folded

– You always wanted be a singer, but you read that there are more job opportunities in accounting, so you took accounting in university. You FORCED yourself to go to the classes. You are STILL forcing yourself to show up at your accounting job every day

– You are tired and want to go to bed, but instead drink coffee and stay up late to work

– You are inspired to try some painting, but decide not to do it because you’ll probably never sell anything anyway

I think you get the idea. Most people are abusing their Motivation-Action system all day, every day. When your system is abused it stops working right. You don’t know what to do, you have trouble making decisions, and you aren’t motivated to do anything, really…except maybe escaping via TV or substances!

Knowing what to do and doing it is easy, if you invest in three things:

1. Not abusing your system. When you want to do something, you do it, and you don’t force yourself to do things you don’t want to do. This is a major change in lifestyle for most people and is an investment you’ll make in yourself and total health over time. There may be some short term losses in productivity, but eventually, you’ll be more productive than you ever dreamed possible.

2. Learning to live in the moment. A big energy drain and confusing factor to the Motivation-Action System is the ego…Stories from the past and fears about the future are blocks to natural action based on what exists at this moment.

3. Trusting that there is a higher part of yourself, or some higher system, that does know what to do in any moment, and it will “guide” you if you let it. Learning to listen for this voice and act on it. Letting go of trying to “figure things out” yourself. The right answer already exists…you just need to hear it.

What are we going for here? A natural way of being. You respond and act based on this moment. You don’t engage much with the ego. You are filled with joy and enthusiasm. Your actions are automatically for your own highest good, and the highest good of the world. You live a life of joy, creation, love and Flow.

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