Right Action, Human Connection, Making a Difference in Africa

This weekend I had a powerful conversation with my uncle, Royal Orr.  We discussed his work in Africa, specifically the Makete and Njombe Districts of Tanzania, in efforts to bring patient-centered HIV-AIDS treatment and education to rural Africa.

He described some of the incredible challenges they face, and they are daunting.  One thing I love about Royal is I don’t think difficult, daunting or even impossible enters into his decision making process when it comes to taking right action.

He shared that one thing he’s learned in his travels is that wherever you go, there is someone just like you.  Someone with the same interests, an analogous role in society, and/or similar gifts to share with others.  Connecting with that person, you can co-develop, co-transform, co-evolve each other, for the highest good of all.  This is a powerful concept that I believe can and does form the basis of how we will be able to successfully navigate the incredible challenges our planet faces. 

Visit here to learn more about the Highlands Hope network and the PIUMA patient activist organization and get ideas for how you might help.

By being himself, connecting with people, and taking right action regardless of outside opinion or perceived level of difficulty, Royal is facilitating positive change in massive challenges.  I think we can all learn from this.

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